AUG license

Your attorneys specialized in labour leasing labour leasing

in disputes with the Federal Employment Agency

Assistance and legal representation

The Federal Employment Agency grants the license to hire out employees.  

However, in the event of violations or after company audits, it can also impose fines, initiate investigative proceedings or withdraw the license. In these cases, we represent employee / staff leasing providers and affected companies in proceedings against the Federal Employment Agency. If necessary, we also represent them in summary proceedings for interim legal protection for the granting of the AÜG license. Such proceedings are part of our daily business. 

The revocation or even the refusal of the license to supply leased employees can have an effect that threatens the existence of the license holder. Not only past misconduct on the part of the hiring company, but also the prognosis for the future can be decisive for the BAfA’s decision to deny the license. We support and advise companies on how to counter the decision of the Federal Employment Agency and which measures are promising. We also advise in advance how to counteract the risk of a refusal of the employee leasing license.